Friday, 21 October 2011

Audience Research Task

Audience research is very important because you find out what people want to watch and what type of genre they are into and what genre is most would do audience research because you would want loads of people to talk about your movie and make it popular so you can make a good profit. It is also good so you know what age group fit in to a certain category so you can aim your movie at a certain age group. This is called demographics this is when you categorise a audience by their age or even a female film or even a film for males. This is stereotyping because if it is about shopping and nice men it would be aimed at girls and if it was about girls and cars it would be aimed at boys that's stereotyping people all film makers do this.

Three main theory's: These are the 3 theory's that I think are the main ones.

Reception analysis this is when the producer makes a movie and it has a different concept to every movie so people have different opinions some people might like it and some people might  dislike it. so everyone has their own point of view.

Hypodermic needle this is the theory that suggests the media is capable of mass manipulation. This is based on the assumption that the audience believes what they see so the maker of the movie in paranormal activity is trying to convince people .The audience that demons  actually exist to scare them so they get hooked in the movie and want to keep watching so they can make money for the different films.

Two step flow

This is the theory when someone watches a movie and then goes and tells another person that is why it is called a two step theory because it involves two people. this theory can keep on going because it goes from one person to another and it can last forever. This happens allot sometimes you don't even realise because you say i watched this movie and it was good this is a two step theory. This is mouth of word .

Bibliography this is when you have all the details about a book like who made it , when it was made and what it is about.

Filmography this tells you about the film and when its made , who made it and what its about.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

The main theme of our film opening is that there will be a group or also known as a gang of bullies who bully a shy, nerdy boy. Then it goes to far which make the victim of the bully’s commits suicide because of all the struggles he goes through, but he comes back to live as demon but in other word possessed. He then makes it his goal to get revenge on those who made fun of him and goes to the extreme as he decides to kill them all one by one.
The main character is Kallam is very believable as he is a class geek who keeps his head in his books and is very shy around the rest of the people in the class who also dislike him for his awkwardness.

Kallam’s main goals were trying to succeed in his exams as a geeky teenage but due to killing himself and coming back his main goal is to get his revenge. Kashif, Ehsham and Farhan are the bullies who have made his life a living hell but regret it all. They soon realize what they have done to Kallam and how his family feels depressed and sad. The bullies also realize the Kallam is back because of the fact one of the bullies die’s a few days later after Kallam’s death. Their main goal turns into to stop Kallam in his track before he succeeds in his goal.

At stake are the bully’s lives and their families feeling the same way as they made Kallams family feel and they try all their best to stop him.

The film takes place in a school and in a graveyard where we take Kallam to make him scared and in the school where we see him getting bullied and outside of the school on the journey home.

We have created 4 interesting characters:

· Ehsham who is the intimidating bully who overshadows Kallam in size and is physically intimidating.

· Kashif who follows the other bullies and acts like one of them trying to be big and powerful but is weak but still bullies Kallam.

· Farhan looks weak and small but is the main bully or gang leader and he may not be intimidating in size but for sure is a fighter.

· Kallam same high as Farhan and not very frightening either, looks nerdy but due to bullying is frighten and flinches a lot around people.

Mood Board

The mood board shows the concepts and shows what most things people would expect from a horror genre.Our key concepts are adrenaline rushing,  gruesome, kidnapping, and physical violence.We have picked these concepts because they all of these concepts relate  to horror. Our mood shows all of these concepts the lady by the wanted poster connotes that their is going to be kidnapping.We have shown adrenaline rush with the two people fighting by the grave yard.Also we have shown an gruesome we have done this putting blood drops all over our mood board we have put a man on death row this establishes their is some signs or torture.  Lightning is not very common in many horror movies in the modern day but in the 1990's it was and it made people jump at the sound of it because it would normally be random so that's why it is on our mood board.straight up to people but the concepts are there but you have to concentrate to understand them for example the two girls on the left hand side of the mood board .

This image is taken from the mood board it shows some one been kidnapped this is horror because it is in black and white it  shows fear and it looks bad.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Genre Recearch Task

Genre is something that you can use to section a movie out. It is like a category for example there is different types of movies like horror , action and comedy which is the same as sport because there is different types of sport like football , cricket and rugby.

The advantages of genre .
  • Genre offers you a reassurance in a uncontrollable world.
  • It offers a set of easily recognisable conventions like a language.
  • It was seen as a strategy used by producers to ensure audience identification and reduce the risk of a film failing.
  • Genre can be seen as a way of working through importance myths and fears.
  • This shows how genre is not static but is constantly re-negotiated often between industry and audience.
The disadvantages of genre.

  • We should be understanding how a film text functions in relation to genre rather than being defined by them.
  • We should acknowledge  that a genre features will depend on the audience understanding.
The genre  of our movie is horror and we  have chose this because we think it will be entertaining and we think it will be hard to do and it will be a task.The conventions would be to be in a dark scary place with something bad happening or going to happen to someone.
We have also chose this because it is one of the most popular genres . most people enjoy horror because it gives you a thrill it gets you hooked and you want to keep watching till the end so you know what happens it keeps you in your seat and get scared.
our horror introduction connotes to child's play because it will involve a serial killer and it will be a scary as possible.

Child's Play:
Year :1988

Director: Tom Holland
This is a very close example to our chosen introduction because it involves a serial killer and it will involve blood and killings. In our introduction we will have good people and one villain this connotes to shields play  because it has one bad person and Innocent people get killed.